LCHWF funds two EMS training classes

EMS training benefits the EMS Department, the hospital, and the community! Recently, we funded two critically important training sessions.

12-Lead ECG Interpretation Training

On April 30, 2018, over 35 providers from LCCHC (nurses, respiratory therapists, and paramedics) attended a 4-hour class presented by Bob Carlson, a veteran paramedic/firefighter and instructor of paramedicine at Central Washington University. Providers learned rapid and sophisticated methods to help identify disease and disorder of the cardiovascular system through careful analysis of ECGs.

12-lead ECG interpretation is an essential and valuable diagnostic tool in emergency medicine. The rapid and correct understanding of a mere paper print-out of electrical activity within a patient’s heart can yield enormously valuable and relevant information on their condition and the appropriate treatment. It is, however, not a simple or easy skill to master. Medical professionals can spend an entire career honing this skill to rapidly utilize in stressful medical emergencies. This training was funded by the Lake Chelan Health & Wellness Foundation.

Stop the Bleed Training

“On May 16, 2018, we attended a Bleeding Control class,” said Ray Eickmeyer, Director of EMS Safety, Preparedness, & Paratransit. “The class was amazing. Staff who attended commented it was one of the best educational hands-on training they’ve had.”

“We were also able to have some ‘active shooter’ training with the Chelan County
Sheriff in this class; it was very rewarding.”

“Continued education classes such as these enhance the clinical acumen of LCCH
medical providers and is made possible by funding provided through the Lake Chelan
Health & Wellness Foundation,” said Eickmeyer.


About the Foundation:

For more than 35 years, the Lake Chelan Health & Wellness Foundation (formerly the Lake Chelan Community Hospital Foundation) has been committed to helping make the Lake Chelan Valley area a healthier place to be for everyone by encouraging and managing financial gifts, promoting healthcare services for our hospital, and wellness initiatives for the Valley.

Our Mission is to promote healthcare services and wellness initiatives for the Lake Chelan Valley.